
Women’s Network at Sempra inspires next generation of energy workforce and leaders

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By creating opportunities and allyship, all employees can thrive and contribute to Sempra’s 任务

The Women's Network at Sempra is open to all employees, regardless of their gender

Sempra understands that by creating the right opportunities for employees who power its 高性能的文化,公司可以推广其 任务 to become North America’s premier energy infrastructure company, 同时为所有人创造更美好的未来.

It’s why Sempra companies invest in Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), 包括森普拉的妇女网络, whose members represent nearly half of corporate employees. The employee-led voluntary community aims to contribute to an 包容的环境 ,激发, supports and encourages women to grow and advance their skills through connection, 合作与讨论.

“The Women’s Network at Sempra focuses on creating opportunities for women and allies to build relationships and make connections with others,“萨拉梅·祖克, the organizational development manager at Sempra and president of the ERG, 说. “我们相信,通过建立关系, 我们创造了一个充满活力的支持挂毯, mentorship and shared experiences and cultivate space where people feel like they truly belong and that they can thrive.”

Women’s ERGs can be especially meaningful in the energy industry where, in 2019, women only accounted for 16% of employees despite making up 39% of the global workforce, 根据 国际能源署. For 25 years, Sempra has worked to create an environment where women can thrive. Across the entire Sempra 公司家族, 该公司报告称 28% of employees were women and 34% of the leadership team were women in 2022.1

西蒙·奥乔亚, cybersecurity team lead at Sempra and member of the Women’s Network at Sempra, 说 she joined the group to meet other women in the industry.

“It is important to feel like you belong,奥乔亚说. “The Women’s Network at Sempra provides a way to connect with other women and know that you have a support system.”

But an employee does not have to identify as a woman to join the group — in fact, it’s encouraged to join the Women’s Network at Sempra, or any of the company’s ERGs resource groups, because allyships play an important role in building opportunities across the company and industry. The group welcomes employees of all backgrounds.

“I benefit from our group because of the diversity of the team, but what I found more surprising is what I learned about myself,奥乔亚说. “我意识到我并不孤单. 我们都有挑战和成功. It is great to share these experiences through the Women’s Network at Sempra.”

斯泰西·李, senior manager of corporate ESG data controls within the company’s sustainability team, echoed Ochoa’s sentiments — noting that shared experiences offer growth opportunities.

“The challenges we encounter both personally and professionally often resonate with others within a group such as the Women’s Network at Sempra,李说. “By sharing our experiences and learning from one another, we create a supportive community where empathy and understanding thrive.”

The Women’s Network at Sempra and other ERGs are a part of the company’s larger strategy to cultivate a 高性能的文化 — one that is motivated, 包容和参与. 其他女性的ERGs 公司家族 include RISE at SoCalGas, Lean In at San Diego Gas & Sempra基础设施的电气和GROW. By fostering a 高性能的文化 where ideas and solutions are embraced and deployed, the company can offer a competitive advantage and help create opportunities for all.

“We are proud of the community that we have created in the Sempra Women’s Network,” Zook 说. “自2022年成立以来, we’ve contributed to a workplace that celebrates the diversity of all people who walk through our doors — we look forward to continuing the momentum as we inspire a new generation of energy workers.”

For more information about what it’s like to work at Sempra, and to view open positions, visit our 职业页面.


1 Company leadership includes director-level employees and officers. Numbers exclude Oncor and Mexico-based employees. 数字包括森普拉公司、可持续发展目标&E, SoCalGas and Sempra基础设施 employees based in the U.S.